Signing the HLC declaration means committing to membership for the duration of one year to the following promises:
Abstinence from alcohol in the Human Liberation Crusade is a personal gift, undertaken voluntarily out of love and responsibility for the good of others. For Crusade members, abstinence means:
On the day of your commitment last Sunday of the calendar year at 10.30 a.m. Mass, you will be giving a declaration to sign which you will be able to keep. This declaration will be a reminder to you of your commitment.
Prayer for the success of the Crusade and the candidates undertaking the mission of human liberation:
Immaculate, Mother of the Church! Looking at you as a model of a fully redeemed and liberated person, and therefore infinitely devoted to Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, we become aware of the manifold slavery in which our hearts are entangled.
We desire to fully liberate ourselves and give a hand to our brothers waiting for the freedom of their sons of God to be revealed in them, we draw closer to You and surrender ourselves to You, so that together with You, by the power of the same Spirit who without obstacles worked in you, experience more fully freedom in surrendering ourselves to Christ and through Him to the Father.
We place in Your hands the promise of abstinence from alcohol (and other substances) and the decision to become completely independent from it so that we can liberate with our freedom our brothers and sisters who can no longer free themselves on their own. We want to give, through this act of love, a helping hand and serve our neighbor like Christ who with love for us, humbled himself and took the form of a slave.
We ask this all in your holy name, AMEN.